• Email : info@strategicvision.com

  • Phone : (858) 576-7141


Beginning in 2001, Strategic Vision offered respondents in selected quantitative studies the opportunity to donate their monetary incentive to a charity of their choosing from a provided list. The total contribution to each charity on that list was determined by the number of returned questionnaires. Total donations to each charity were made after all questionnaires were received and tabulated.

Currently, Strategic Vision allocates $10,000 each year to donate to a group of national charities, listed in the New Vehicle Experience Study (NVES) surveys. Respondents may select one of these charities from a provided list when they complete the survey either on paper or online. Donations are made to the respective charities proportionate to the number of respondents who selected each charity while completing their survey ("Survey Selections"). For example, if Charity A receives 50% of the Survey Selections, 50% of the $10,000 charitable donation ($5,000) would be donated to Charity A. Only charities receiving greater than one (1) percent of the total number of Survey Selections shall share in the contribution. The contribution designated to charities receiving one (1) percent or less of the total number of Survey Selections shall be divided equally among the recipient charities

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